Uniform Shop

The CHSC Uniform Shop will be open from 5.30pm before the Year 7 Welcome Mass on Thursday 19th October.

Many thanks to our Parent Forum


At The Catholic High School, we believe that we ought to do everything we can to make a difference in people’s lives and the world we live in. In order to help families with the cost-of-living crisis and to support the environmental sustainability by recycling, last year we successfully set up a second-hand uniform shop. This shop stocks donated uniforms from past students and items that current students have grown out.

This year the uniform shop will be open on the last Monday of each half term, from 2pm in the school canteen. There is no fixed price on items, we only ask for a donation. The money we raise will go to the Christo Fidelis Fund, destined to support our school and students. Everyone is welcome!


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