School transport

We are delighted that we are able to offer schools buses in certain areas.

Currently we operate in collaboration with Stagecoach to offer the following routes.

Route 1 – Broughton/Saltney/Lache
Route 2 – Vicars Cross/ Hoole/ Upton 
Route 3 – Mollington/Saughall/Blacon

These buses are open to all and are exclusively used by our students. The buses bring students directly into the school grounds and collect them from there at the end of the day.

The following linked document provides further details of the 3 routes including how to apply, if you have any further queries about the service, then please contact Mr Kilcoyne (Business Manager)

School Bus Information Letter >
How to Apply >

Public Buses

There are a number of public buses that operate throughout the area that allow students to travel to and from school. These services are operated by Arriva and Stagecoach. Details of these services and the times they run can be found on their websites.

Broughton and Wrexham Bus Services

Eligible baptised Catholic children joining our school from Flintshire are able to receive a free bus pass from Flintshire Council if our school is their nearest Catholic School. Post-16 students could also receive free transport to our school if it is the closest school that provides the course they wish to study.

This service is provided separately from the school and as such, all queries and applications should be made directly to Flintshire Council via their website.

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