News From the Library

Our programme of events continues in our new library space. We have had virtual author talks every month, where students have been able to hear extracts from the author’s book, get tips on how to write and they have also had the opportunity to ask questions. We have been lucky enough to have visits from a wide range of authors including Anna Goodall, Jamie Russell and Sathnam Sanghera. Our visits continue after the Easter break with a talk from Joseph Elliott. Our students are really enjoying the opportunity to hear directly from authors and we are excited to continue the programme of events over the coming months. Students can sign up to come to the talks, which take place at lunchtime, in the library. 

We have also been encouraging our school community to read as many of the books which have been nominated for the 2022 Carnegie Medal. There are 76 in total and as I write this, one of our wonderful English teachers, Mrs Ireland, has read 74 of them! We now have a group of students who are shadowing the Carnegie Medal, led by Mrs Ireland. They will read the eight books on the shortlist, write reviews about them and also have the opportunity to create some artwork inspired by the books. The group meet in our library on a Tuesday lunchtime. Last week they had a video call with a local librarian who is on the judging panel. 

We are delighted with our new sign for the library, which was created by some of our Year 9 students. It is great that the library is bringing together different departments of our school, which is exactly what we wanted when we started this school year. 

The better weather that spring brings is also going to give us more opportunity to get outside and to start developing our outdoor space. 

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