Faith in Action

It has been a very busy and fruitful term within the spiritual life of the school. 

Back in January, we have resumed the ‘Faith in Action Award’ (FIA) that has been paused during the pandemic. I’m delighted with the response we had in year 7, having currently 25 students enrolled. As the name of the scheme suggests, the young people are rewarded for all their good actions, and they have been a credit to themselves. They have been volunteering to read at Mass and assemblies, litter-picking at break and lunch, showing kindness to someone injured, helping sort items at a collection point for Ukraine. They have been putting the Gospel into practice, and for this, I wish them that all achieve their goal of earning 20 credits for their Pin Level.

At the beginning of the year, a group of FIA students enjoyed the termly Mini-DASH meeting. The theme of this event was “You(th) can make a difference”, based on the book ‘Generation Hope’ by Kimberlie Hamilton. Inspired by different young activists, our students reflected on how they can seek to become campaigners to bring about changes in the world. God gave us all different talents and potential to do amazing things that will make a difference.

Another group of FIA students have been making wooden Stations of the Cross for our school garden ready for Lent. Mrs. Ellet and Mr. Harrison have been amazing at helping these students complete this project in the DT workroom. What a talent!

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