End of Term Message from the Head

‘For I know the plans I have for you’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’ Jeremiah 29:11

Another year gone and, as always, we ask ourselves where has the time gone? I have spoken to many of our Year 7 students and they cannot believe how fast the year has gone. I have to say they have been a fantastic asset to our school family and I am sure they are destined for great things.

The year has been dominated with so many events for our 50th celebrations and we want to thank everyone who has supported us with that. I think the memory of taking the whole school to the Cathedral will stay with us for a long time and we were so proud of all our students. They are a credit to your families with the way they approach life, often with compassion, love and respect.

There have been many successes this year, on the sports field, in the drama studio and in the classrooms. Alongside of this, we have faced our challenges and hopefully we have reflected upon these in the hope of becoming the best school we can possibly be. Nurturing our staff, students and governors to be the best version of themselves. We can do only do that with the support of our families, who, on the whole, recognise that we work in partnership for the development of the whole child.

I wish you a restful break and an opportunity to relax with families during this summer. We will be back in September ready to face another immense year at The Catholic High School, Chester.

God bless and take care,

Mrs McKeagney


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