CHSC Ski Trip 2023

On the 7th April 59 students and 7 staff embarked on their journey to Austria, Ziller Valley, for the 2023 CHSC ski trip. After a 27-hour journey (that included a brief tour of London) they arrived at the Harterhof Hotel, Zillertal. Betty, the host, was waiting, ready to provide fantastic accommodation, delicious food and excellent care during the stay.

Skiing began on Sunday morning up on the slopes of Finkenburg. After a few nervous runs the students soon found their skiing legs and progress was quickly made. Throughout the week the instructors led groups Austria, Bulgaria, France, Italy and Switzerland down blue slopes and challenged groups on the red and black slopes. Tumbles and frustration made way for determination, resilience and courage as students pushed their limits and improved their skills.

The evenings away from the slopes allowed time to rest and friendships to blossom. Enjoyable meals and pizza orders followed by evening activities of a quiz, swimming and bowling filled the time with fun and enthusiasm.

The final day of skiing gave opportunity to explore a different resort, Kaltenback, before it was time to return home to Chester.

Student favourite moments:

‘I have loved all the adrenaline of the holiday and trying all sorts of things completely out of my comfort zone and how exciting it all was. I loved when I could see the views while skiing and doing it all while having fun’

Amy Foster Year 9

‘The best part was Mr Bailey singing all day long on powder day’

Charlie Connolly Year 13

‘Skiing in Austria was enjoyable and fun. I learnt a lot in a short period of time and the instructor was funny and amazing! I’m glad I was able to spend time with my friends and make new ones as well.’

Aymon Han Year 12

‘I loved going skiing in the thick snow and everyone’s skis flying off and going missing for ages buried in the snow.’

Laila Onions Year 11

‘The skiing was amazing and the powder was so fun to ski in. The swimming was also a very good part of the holiday.’

Daisy Clements Year 11

‘Visiting a new place and country, staying with Betty and singing with the Austrian army on the slopes’

Archie and Peter Year 10

For more photos and videos follow @CHSC_Ski on Twitter:

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